Chile signed the Convention on 3 December 1997, ratified it on 10 September 2001, with the Convention entering into force for Chile on 1 March 2002.
Obligations under the Convention
In its initial transparency report submitted on 5 September 2002, Chile reported stockpiled anti-personnel mines under its ownership or possession.
Notwithstanding the obligation to destroy all stockpiled anti-personnel mines, the Convention permits the retention of the minimum number of anti-personnel mines absolutely necessary for the development of and training in mine detection, mine clearance, or mine destruction techniques.
In 2019, Chile destroyed the remaining 1,192 anti-personnel mines it had retained for permitted purposes and no longer holds anti-personnel mines as permitted under Article 3.
In its annual transparency report submitted on 30 April 2003, Albania reported that it had completed the destruction of all stockpiled anti-personnel mines. In total, Albania reported having destroyed 1,683,860 mines.
In its initial transparency report submitted on 5 September 2002, Chile reported stockpiled anti-personnel mines under its ownership or possession.
In 2003, Chile reported that it had completed the destruction of all stockpiled anti-personnel mines. In total, Chile reported having destroyed 299,219 mines.
On 29 March 2011, Chile submitted a request to extend its mine clearance deadline. The request was granted at the Eleventh Meeting of the States Parties and a new deadline set for 1 March 2020.
In early 2020, Chilean authorities announced having met the Article 5 obligation. A formal announcement was made by the Minister of Defence during the Eighteenth Meeting of the States Parties. Chile cleared 195 mined areas, 89 in the Arica and Parinacota Region, 8 in the Tarapacá Region, 2 in the Valparaíso Region, 1 in the Metropolitan Region, and 28 in the Chilean Magellan and Antarctic Region destroying 177,725 mines in the process.
Extension Request Process
Chile has undertaken to provide for the care and assistance of mine victims.
Chile is also a State Party to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Annually and no later than 30 April, each State Party is to update information covering the previous calendar year. The latest Article 7 reports for this State Party can be found further below.
Each State Party is to take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures, including the imposition of penal sanctions, to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control.
Chile has reported having established national implementation measures or that it considers existing legislation to be sufficient.
Presidency of the 15MSP
Chile held the Presidency of the Convention in 2018. H.E. Marta Mauras Permanent Representative of Chile to the UN in Geneva led the work of the States Parties during the 15MSP. Ambassador Mauras, was the fourth woman to preside over a Meeting of the States Parties since the Convention began its formal meetings in 1999. The 15MSP took place in Santiago, Chile from from 28 November to 1 December 2016.
- Find all the related press releases and photos from Chile's Presidency here.
Chile finalises mine clearance operations
“Chile’s success brings South America a step closer to its ambition of eradicating this scourge from the region. For mine-affected States including my own, Chile is proof that the end is within reach”.
Press Release | English | Spanish
Chile's landmark victim assistance law guarantees rights to landmine and other ERW survivors
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile and 15MSP President Heraldo Muñoz signed the Reparation for Victims of Explosives and Anti-personnel Mines Law in Santiago, in the presence of President of Chile Michelle Bachelet, and Minister of Defense and Minister of Health and representatives of mine-affected communities, victims and survivors. The Law provides economic compensation for beneficiaries of those killed by landmines and other explosive remnants of war, and maintains sustained commitment in the form of medical benefits, rehabilitation and integration for landmine survivors.
Press Release | English | Spanish | French
Related news in PDF
- 2020 Comunicado Chile finaliza desminado3 March 2020Español
- 15MSP Comunicado Stockpile Destruction1 December 2016Español
- 2016 15MSP Press Release Chile leads global landmine meeting in Santiago28 November 2016English
- 2016 15MSP Comunicado Chile inicia cumbre desminado28 November 2016Español
- 15MSP-First-Pledging-Conference-led-by-Chile-news-summary2 March 2016English
- 2014 Press Release Chile to host landmine conference28 July 2014English
- 2014 Comunicado Chile presidira Convencion antiminas28 July 2014Español
View, download snapshots of Chile during Convention-related activities on Flickr.
Latest Views and Updates
Article 3 and 4
Article 5
- 19MSP 10b Art5 Chile17 November 2021Español
- 18MSP Chile Art5 Completion21 September 2020Español
- IM20 Art5 VA C and A Univ Chile Written Submission1 July 2020Español
- IM20 4 Art5 Chile30 June 2020Español
- 16MSP 11b Committee Article 5 Implementation Chile21 December 2017Español
- IM17 Prel Obs Committee Art5 Implementation Chile Costa Rica Switzerland Zambia8 June 2017English
- 15MSP 10b Chile Art5 Clearance30 November 2016Español
Article 6.3
Article 7 Reports
All Others
- IM22 Observations VA Chile15 June 2022English
- 19MSP 10c Coop Chile18 November 2021Español
- IM21 Observations VA Chile15 June 2021English
- 18MSP 9c Coop Chile19 November 2020Español
- IM20 Art5 VA C and A Univ Chile Written Submission1 July 2020Español
- IM20 4 Art5 Chile30 June 2020Español
- IM20 Observations VA Chile30 June 2020English
- 17MSP 7 General Statements Chile26 November 2018Español
- 16MSP 07 General Statements Chile18 December 2017Español
- 16MSP Conclusions Committee Art5 Zambia Switzerland Chile Costa Rica sp13 October 2017Español
- 16MSP Conclusions Committee Art5 Zambia Switzerland Chile Costa Rica ru13 October 2017русский
- 16MSP Conclusions Committee Art5 Zambia Switzerland Chile Costa Rica en13 October 2017English
- 16MSP Conclusions Committee Art5 Zambia Switzerland Chile Costa Rica 2 fr13 October 2017Français
- 16MSP Conclusions Committee Art5 Zambia Switzerland Chile Costa Rica 1 fr13 October 2017Français
- IM17 Prel Obs Committee Art5 Implementation Chile Costa Rica Switzerland Zambia8 June 2017English