
News on meeting page

How to copy a reference to display related news on meeting page. 

  1. Go to a meeting with the reference (18MSP for example)
  2. Copy the reference element (NOT the plugin)
  3. Go to the meeting page
  4. Past as a copy
  5. Change the visibility

You can add a title with a title element 

Meeting colors

Meetings colors depend on the meeting type :

  • Other meetings = orange

  • Pledging Conferences = red

  • Intersessional Meetings = green

  • Meetings of the States Parties = yellow

  • Review Conferences = blue

  • No type = black

Photo gallery

Check "Same width and height for images"  to have all thumbnails displayed with the same square size.

Content Element Layout

If there are content in the right column set Layout to "No container" (Defaut setting)

If there is no content in the right column you have to change the setting Layout to "Container"


States Parties - Signed
Number of countries with

  • date of state party - Signed

States Parties - NOT Signed
Number of countries with

  • NO date of state party - Signed

  • NO date of state party - Ratified

  • NO date of state party - Entered into force

States Parties - Ratified
Number of countries with

  • date of state party - Ratified

States Parties - Entered into force
Number of countries with

  • date of state party - Entered into force

States Parties - Fullfilled obligation
Number of countries that having, in the Country info, evry obligation fullfilledStates Parties - Article 3 : Retaining mines for permitted purposes
Number of countries that having, in the Country info,

  • statement type =>  "Article 3: Retained Mines",

  • Retain => "Retains"

States Parties - Article 4 : Having stockplie obligation
Number of countries that having, in the Country info,

  • statement type =>  "Stockpile destruction",

  • a date of deadline AND a date of completion.

States Parties - Article 4 : Having stockplie completed obligation
Number of countries that having, in the Country info,

  • statement type =>  "Stockpile destruction",

  • a date of completion.

States Parties - Article 5 : Having declared having obligations regarding clearing mined areas
Number of countries that having, in the Country info,

  • statement type =>  "Clearing mined areas",

  • a date of deadline.

States Parties - Article 5 : Having declared fulfilling their obligations
Number of countries that having, in the Country info,

  • statement type =>  "Clearing mined areas",

  • a date of extension.

States Parties - Article 5 : Currently implementing Article 5 obligations
Number of countries that having, in the Country info,

  • statement type =>  "Clearing mined areas",

  • a date of completion.

Homepage carousel

Country page

Meeting page

Obligation page (ex: Victim assistance)

Document settings

News editions

We could recover old news with images. But the way to display images from the text editor is not working in the new TYPO3. 
If you edite an old news all image will desapeare from the news. 
If you need to change an old news you should download the image from the website (example) and add it the new way on the news (create a new content element and add images)