Ninth Pledging Conference
Cambodia as President, presided over the Ninth Pledging Conference for the Implementation of the Convention on 1 March 2024 - date which coincided with the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention.
The conference, chaired by Senior Minister H.E. Ly Thuch, Vice-President of the Cambodia Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority aimed to renew and strengthen commitments to the principles of the Convention and resources for implementation including through pledges of financial support to mine action, as well as pledges for the ISU’s work plan and Sponsorship Programme.
In total, 43 Delegations participated including 33 States Parties, 1 State not party, 3 international organisations and 6 non-governmental organisations.
States Parties:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Australia, Austria, Belgium, BurkinaFaso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Holy See, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
States not party:
International Organisations
European Union, UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS), UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).
Non-governmental organisations
HALO Trust, ICBL-CMC, Humanity and Inclusion, Norwegian People's Aid, Organization of Amputees UDAS Republike Srpske from Bosnia and Herzegovina.