First Preparatory Meeting

On 20 June 2024, delegations convened for their first preparatory meeting in advance of the Convention's 25-29 November 2024 Siem Reap Angkor Fifth Review Conference. The First Preparatory Meeting took place in Geneva, at the World Meteorological Building (WMO).

The meeting was opened by the President of the Fifth Review Conference, H.E. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action Authorities (CMAA).

The meeting was notified that, in keeping with past practice, the States Parties serving as senior members of the Convention's four Committees at the time of the Review Conference would be elected Vice-Presidents, namely Algeria, Colombia, Japan, Norway, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden and Zambia.

The President presented his concept and plans for the three key substantive documents that will be adopted at the Fifth Review Conference: the Review of the Operation and Status of the Convention 2024-2029, the Siem Reap Angkor Action Plan and the Siem Reap Angkor Political Declaration. The President shared an update on the status of these documents and on the process ahead and provided delegations with the opportunity to exchange views on the preparation of the documents. The following delegations shared views regarding the preparation of documents for the Fifth Review Conference:

5a. Review of the operation and status of the Convention 2024-2029

• Türkiye

• Norway

• Argentina

• Holy See

• European Union

• United Kingdom (right of reply)

• Argentina (right of reply)

• Switzerland

• Japan

• Mexico

• Australia

• Canada

5b. Siem Reap Angkor Action Plan

▪ Zambia

▪ Colombia

▪ Germany


▪ ICBL on behalf of the Gender and Diversity Working Group

5c. Siem Reap Angkor Political Declaration

▪ European Union


Cambodia provided an update on logistical and administrative matters for the Fifth Review Conference.

▪ Siem Reap Angkor Summit on a Mine-Free World preparations (Intersessionals 2024 and First Preparatory Meeting for the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit)

The President introduced matters related to assessed contributions for the Fifth Review Conference and expressed his concern regarding the contributions' low collecting rate.

He underlined the importance of States Parties promptly paying assessed contributions so that preparations for the Review Conference can go ahead as planned.

The President indicated that he will continue monitoring the financial situation and maintain a dialogue with States Parties on this issue to ensure full and prompt payment of contributions.

UNODA provided an overview of the status of assessed contributions for the Fifth Review Conference. No delegation took the floor under this agenda item.

The President provided updates on a number of other matters also related to the work of the Fifth Review Conference: the Sponsorship Programme, Convention's future meeting dates and efforts to propose a set of office-holders at the Fifth Review Conference.

Sponsorship Programme:

Australia, in its capacity as Coordinator of the Convention's Sponsorship Programme provided an update on the programme.

Proposed dates for the Convention's future meetings:

The President recalled that on the last day of the 21MSP, Ambassador Tomiko Ichikawa, Permanent Representative of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament, was elected to preside over the TwentySecond Meeting of the States Parties (22MSP) in 2025. The 21MSP decided to hold the 22MSP at the end of November – beginning of December 2025, subject to availability of space.

Ambassador Tomiko Ichikawa took the floor to express appreciation for the Presidency of the Fifth Review Conference, her satisfaction with the way past, current and future Convention presidencies work together informaly to ensure continuity and coordination between presidencies. Ambassador Ichikawa also indicated that she was ooking forward to the outcomes of the Fifth Review Conference, in particluar the Action Plan which Japan will carry forward during their presidency.

The President further recalled that on the last day of the 21MSP, Ambassador Eunice Tembo Luambia, Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations in Geneva was elected to preside over the Twenty-Third Meeting of the States Parties (23MSP) in 2026.

Efforts to propose a set of office-holders at the Fifth Review Conference

The President recalled that eight new Committee members will need to be elected at the Fifth Review Conference and reminded delegations to notify the President of their interest by 14 June 2024.


Other matters

The President recalled that a paper entitled Reflections on the Convention’s Meeting Programme and Machinery was submitted as part of the First Preparatory Meeting documentation. Delegations are encouraged to provide feedback on the paper which will help the development of a draft decision.