Implementation Machinery

Purpose, Mandate, Membership, and Working Methods of the:

The President's Mandate includes to,

  1. Chair the Meeting of the States Parties or Review Conference.
  2. Chair the Intersessional Meetings.
  3. Chair the Committee on Cooperative Compliance.
  4. Chair the Coordinating Committee.
  5. Take the lead, in consultation with the Coordinating Committee, with respect to any issue related to the pursuit of the Convention’s aims other than those related to the mandates of the committees (named here below), including matters related to stockpile destruction under Article 4 and transparency regarding the exceptions contained in Article 3 of the Convention.
  6. Propose, if deemed necessary, one or more members of the Coordinating Committee to provide support on any issue of the President’s mandate, which may require particular attention, including on financial matters.
  7. Promote implementation and universalization of the Convention and its norms, including in relevant multilateral and regional fora, as well as at the national level.
  8. Lead efforts to mobilise sufficient resources to fund the operations of the Implementation Support Unit.
  9. Take the lead on matters related to the United Nations assessed contributions received pursuant to Article 14 of the Convention.
  10. Promote coordination amongst all structures established by the States Parties.
  11. Propose a set of new officeholders for agreement by the forthcoming Meeting of the States Parties. The proposed set of officeholders shall be balanced regionally as well as between States Parties in the process of implementing key obligations of the Convention, those in a position to provide financial or other assistance, and other States Parties.
  12. Present a preliminary report on activities at Intersessional Meetings if need be, as well as use Intersessional Meetings, when relevant, as a forum for addressing specific topics of interest.
  13. Present a final report on activities, as well as conclusions and recommendations if relevant, at Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.
  14. Any other relevant matters.

Purpose and Mandate

  • To coordinate the work flowing from and related to formal and informal meetings of the States Parties. To fulfil responsibilities related to the Implementation Support Unit accountability as agreed to at the Tenth Meeting of the States Parties; the Committee does not have substantive decision-making capacity.


  • It is composed of the President, President-Designate during the year prior to her/his presidency, as well as members of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation, Committee on Cooperative Compliance, Committee on Victim Assistance, and Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance. (See this year's Committees membership below and their purpose, mandate and working methods in the menu at left.)

    The Sponsorship Coordinator participates in the work of the Committee as Observer. 

Working Methods

  • In keeping with past practice, the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), ICBL, and Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) are invited as Observers. The Committee strives to reach general agreement in all aspects of its work.


  1. To intensify efforts, particularly those outlined in the Oslo Action Plan, to ensure that Article 5 is fully implemented as soon as possible, while acknowledging local, national and regional circumstances in its practical implementation.

  2. To provide feedback to States Parties having submitted information on “the location of all mined areas that contain, or are suspected to contain, anti-personnel mines” and on mine clearance programmes as well as their results. Furthermore, the Committee is to ensure, as agreed to by the States Parties that, “a cooperative engagement of Article 5 implementing States Parties continues after requests have been granted.”


  1. Review relevant information on Article 5 implementation submitted by States Parties, including in the context of Article 7 obligations and on efforts undertaken under Article 6 on international cooperation and assistance, seek clarity when required and provide advice and support in a cooperative manner to States Parties on the fulfilment of their obligations to report on Article 5 implementation.
  2. Review relevant information provided by the States Parties on implementation of the commitments contained in the Oslo Action Plan.
  3. Prepare and submit to the States Parties in advance of Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences an analysis of each request for an Article 5 extended deadline, taking into account as relevant, the decisions on the analysis process as agreed to by the Seventh and the Twelfth Meetings of the States Parties.
  4. Engage relevant States Parties, after any extension requests have been granted, on the implementation of their commitments as contained in requests and related decisions on their requests. The Committee will present preliminary observations at Intersessional Meetings if need be, and conclusions and recommendations at Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.
  5. Consider matters related to gender and diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities in every aspect of its work.
  6. Present preliminary observations at Intersessional Meetings if need be, and final annual conclusions and recommendations at Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.
  7. Remain transparent and accountable, including by reporting on activities at both Intersessional Meetings and Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  1. It is composed of a representative group of four States Parties serving overlapping two-year terms, including at least one State either in the process of implementing Article 5 or having completed implementation of Article 5 after carrying out mine clearance activities.
  2. A Chair is selected yearly among the States Parties serving the second year of their two-year terms. The Chair is responsible for convening and chairing meetings, issuing communications on behalf of the Committee and directing the Implementation Support Unit to assist the work of the Committee.

Working methods

  1. Draw, as needed, from the working methods established in 2008 by the Article 5 Analysing Group, including by placing a heavy emphasis on cooperation with States Parties in the process of implementing Article 5 and by drawing upon expert input as required. The Committee is to strive to reach general agreement in all aspects of its work.
  2. Appoint a focal point among its members to provide advice on gender mainstreaming and ensure that the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities are taken into account in the implementation of the Oslo Action Plan.
  3. Increase and strengthen coordination with other Committees, including by examining implementation by States Parties in a more holistic manner, and by considering the submission of joint conclusions on the status of implementation of the Convention by States Parties at the Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  1. To build upon the solid foundation the States Parties have constructed on the issue of victim assistance, in order to support States Parties in their national efforts to strengthen and advance victim assistance, in particular in States Parties with mine victims in areas under their jurisdiction or control.
  2. To ensure balance between ongoing discussions on pertinent aspects of victim assistance within the framework of the Convention itself, taking the discussion on meeting the needs and guaranteeing the rights of mine victims to other fora where relevant and related issues are debated.


  1. Provide advice and support in a cooperative manner to States Parties in the fulfilment of their commitments under the Oslo Action Plan, draw observations in consultation with the States Parties concerned and assist these States Parties in making their needs known.
  2. Take other relevant initiatives to facilitate discussion on ways and means of enhancing victim assistance and to ensure the wellbeing of mine victims.
  3. Raise awareness, in relevant fora, of the importance of addressing the needs and guaranteeing the rights of mine victims in broader domains such as health care, disability and human rights, development, poverty reduction, and employment, drawing from the breadth of understandings agreed to by the States Parties on victim assistance.
  4. Review relevant information provided by the States Parties on the implementation of the commitments contained in the Oslo Action Plan.
  5. Consider matters related to gender and the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities in every aspect of its work.
  6. Present conclusions and recommendations, following consultations with the States Parties concerned, at Intersessional Meetings if need be, Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences, including on progress, achievements and challenges, in order to strengthen victim assistance.
  7. Remain transparent and accountable, including by reporting on activities at both Intersessional Meetings and Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  • It is composed of a representative group of four States Parties, serving overlapping two-year terms. Each year, the Committee selects a Chair among the States Parties serving the second year of their two-year terms. The Chair of the Committee is responsible for convening and chairing meetings, issuing communications on behalf of the Committee and directing the Implementation Support Unit to assist the work of the Committee.

Working methods

  1. Draw, as needed, on the expertise of the ICBL and ICRC and involve them in its work, as Observers, and invite other States Parties, the United Nations and other relevant international and non-governmental organisations to participate on an ad hoc basis. Strive to reach general agreement in all aspects of its work.
  2. Appoint a focal point among its members to provide advice on gender mainstreaming and ensure that the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities are taken into account in the implementation of the Oslo Action Plan.
  3. Increase and strengthen coordination with other Committees, including by examining implementation by States Parties in a more holistic manner, and by considering the submission of joint conclusions on the status of implementation of the Convention by States Parties at the Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  1. To assist the States Parties in the full implementation of Article 6 of the Convention, in line with their reaffirmation of ending the suffering and casualties caused by anti-personnel mines is a shared commitment.


  1. Promote cooperation and assistance under the Convention, including by organising or encouraging the organisation of multilateral, regional or national dialogues on cooperation and assistance, in Geneva or elsewhere.
  2. Facilitate the fostering of partnerships between States Parties seeking to receive assistance and those in a position to provide such assistance, including through the use of information exchange tools (e.g. “Platform for Partnerships”).
  3. Coordinate with other implementation mechanisms established by the States Parties in order to facilitate and accelerate the full implementation of the Convention.
  4. Review relevant information provided by the States Parties on the implementation of the commitments of the Oslo Action Plan.
  5. Consider matters related to gender and the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities in every aspect of its work.
  6. Present preliminary observations at Intersessional Meetings if need be, and conclusions and recommendations, if relevant, at Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.
  7. Remain transparent and accountable, including by reporting on activities at both Intersessional Meetings and Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  • It is composed of a representative group of four States Parties serving overlapping two-year terms, including an affected State Party and a State Party that is a provider of support or assistance. Each year, the Committee selects a Chair among the States Parties serving the second year of their two-year terms. The Chair is responsible for convening and chairing meetings, issuing communications on behalf of the Committee and directing the Implementation Support Unit to assist the work of the Committee.

Working methods

  1. Draw, as needed, on the expert input of the ICBL and ICRC and involve them in its work, invite other States Parties, the United Nations and other relevant international and non-governmental organisations to participate on an ad hoc basis. Strive to reach general agreement in all aspects of its work.
  2. Appoint a focal point among its members to provide advice on gender mainstreaming and ensure that the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities are taken into account in the implementation of the Oslo Action Plan.
  3. Increase and strengthen coordination with other Committees, including by examining implementation by States Parties in a more holistic manner, and considering the submission of joint conclusions on the status of implementation of the Convention by States Parties at the Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  1. To assist the States Parties in acting upon their commitment under Article 8.1 of the Convention to work together in a spirit of cooperation to facilitate compliance in a supportive and amicable manner.
  2. To improve the management of the work of the Convention in a highly cooperative manner. Its establishment does not supersede the provisions of Article 8 or amend the Convention, and its status and prerogatives are identical to that of other elements of the Convention’s machinery.


  1. Consider, objectively and informally, whether a concern about compliance with the Convention’s prohibitions contained in Article 1.1 of the Convention is potentially credible and if so, consider any follow up that might be appropriate for States Parties to better understand the situation.
  2. When appropriate, in close consultation with the States Parties concerned, clarify the situation, and if as a result it assesses that the concern is credible, make suggestions on steps that the States Parties concerned could take to ensure that the Convention remains strong and effective.
  3. For cases where the concern is credible, present preliminary observations at Intersessional Meetings if need be, and conclusions and recommendations at Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.
  4. Address all matters under Article 1.2 in cases where a State Party has not submitted an Article 7 Report detailing progress in implementing relevant obligations each year.
  5. Support States Parties in their efforts to implement and report on matters contained in Article 9 of the Convention.
  6. Encourage the States Parties to submit annual Article 7 reports.
  7. Review relevant information provided by the States Parties on the implementation of the commitments contained in the Oslo Action Plan.
  8. Consider matters related to gender and the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities in every aspect of its work.
  9. Remain transparent and accountable, including by reporting on activities at both Intersessional and Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.


  • It is composed of the President, who chairs the committee, and a representative group of four States Parties serving overlapping two-year terms as committee members. The Chair is responsible for convening and chairing meetings, issuing communications on behalf of the Committee and directing the Implementation Support Unit to assist the work of the Committee.

Working Methods

  1. Strive to reach general agreement in all aspects of its work. The Committee may draw upon expert input as required.
  2. Appoint a focal point among its members to provide advice on gender mainstreaming and ensure that the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities are taken into account in the implementation of the Oslo Action Plan.
  3. Increase and strengthen coordination with other Committees, including by examining implementation by States Parties in a more holistic manner, and by considering the submission of joint conclusions on the status of implementation of the Convention by States Parties at the Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences.

Coordinating Committee Members

  • President:
    • Cambodia until the end of the Fifth Review Conference;
  • Committee on Article 5 Implementation:
    • Colombia and Sweden until the end of the Fifth Review Conference
    • Thailand and the United Kingdom (until the end of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties);
  • Committee on Victim Assistance:
    • Slovenia and Zambia until the end of the Fifth Review Conference
    • Burkina Faso and the Netherlands (until the end of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties);
  • Committee on Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance:
    • Algeria and Japan until the end of the Fifth Review Conference
    • Türkiye and Denmark (until the end of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties);
  • Committee Cooperative Compliance:
    • Norway and South Africa until the end of the Fifth Review Conference
    • Germany and Peru (until the end of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties);
  • Coordinator of the Sponsorship Programme: 
    • Australia, as an Observer
  • Other Observers: 
    • Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)
    • International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), 
    • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
    • UN Office for Disarmaments Affairs (UNODA).