Algeria signed the Convention on 3 December, ratified it on 9 October 2001, and the Convention entered into force for Algeria on 1 April 2002.
Obligations under the Convention
In its initial transparency report submitted on 1 May 2003, Algeria reported stockpiled anti-personnel mines under its ownership or possession or under its jurisdiction or control.
Notwithstanding the obligation to destroy all stockpiled anti-personnel mines, the Convention permits the retention of the minimum number of anti-personnel mines absolutely necessary for the development of and training in mine detection, mine clearance, or mine destruction techniques.
On 18 September 2017, Algeria destroyed the 5,970 anti-personnel mines it had retained for permitted purposes and no longer holds anti-personnel mines in accordance with Article 3.
In its transparency report submitted in 2006, Algeria reported that as of 21 November 2005, it had completed the destruction of all stockpiled anti-personnel mines. In total, Algeria reported having destroyed 150,050 stockpiled mines.
In its initial transparency report, Algeria reported areas under its jurisdiction or control in which anti-personnel mines are known or suspected to be emplaced.
In accordance with Article 5 of the Convention, Algeria undertook to destroy or ensure the destruction of all anti-personnel mines in these areas as soon as possible but not later than 1 April 2012.
On 31 March 2011, Algeria submitted a request to extend its mine clearance deadline. The request was granted at the Eleventh Meeting of the States Parties and the new deadline set for 1 April 2017.
On 10 February 2017, Algeria announced that it had fulfilled its obligation under Article 5 of the Convention.
Extension Request Process
Algeria has undertaken to provide for the care and assistance of mine victims.
Algeria is also a State Party to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Annually and no later than 30 April, each State Party is to update information covering the previous calendar year. The latest Article 7 reports for this State Party can be found further below.
Each State Party is to take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures, including the imposition of penal sanctions, to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control.
Algeria has reported having established national implementation measures or that it considers existing legislation to be sufficient.
Algeria free of all known mine contamination
In 2017, Colonel Ahcène Gherabi, Director of Algeria's National Demining Programme, announced in Geneva that Algeria had fulfilled its Article 5 obligation.
Press Release | After decades of work, Algeria declares it is now free of anti-personnel mines
English | Français | Español
Algeria reaffirms commitment to a mine-free world destroying last landmines retained
Algeria has gone a step further eliminating nearly 6,000 landmines it had retained for training purposes, becoming a country completely free of these weapons. The destruction of the remaining anti-personnel mines which Algeria had retained for permitted purposes under the Convention, took place on Monday 18 September, the day when the treaty commemorated 20 years since its adoption.
Press Release | Convention President congratulates Algeria for destroying nearly 6,000 landmines retained for training purposes on 18 September
Presidency of the 13MSP
Algeria held the Presidency of the Convention in 2013. H.E. Boudjemâa Delmi, Ambassador of Algeria to the United Nations (Geneva) led the work of the States Parties as President of the 13MSP.
Press Release | Algeria to lead major anti-landmines conference English | (نشرة إعلامية)
Related news in PDF
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Article 3 and 4
Article 5
Article 6.3
Article 7 Reports
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- 2023 Algeria Art7Report for202230 April 2023Français
- 2022 Algeria Art7Report for202121 April 2022Français
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- 2020-Algeria-Article730 April 2020Français
- 2019 Algeria Article7 30 April 2019Français
- 2018 Algeria Article73 April 2018Français
- Art7Report Algeria 201730 April 2017Français
- Article7 Algeria 201530 April 2015Français
- 2014-Algeria Article730 March 2014Français
All Others
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