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Spain ratified the Convention on 19 January 1999, and the Convention entered into force for Spain on 1 July 1999.

Obligations under the Convention

Notwithstanding the obligation to destroy all stockpiled anti-personnel mines, the Convention permits the retention of the minimum number of anti-personnel mines absolutely necessary for the development of and training in mine detection, mine clearance, or mine destruction techniques. As of 2018, Spain has reported having retained 1,547 anti-personnel mines for these permitted purposes. These mines are used for the development of the “Advanced Global System to Eliminate Anti-Personnel Mines” and for demining training courses.

In its initial transparency report submitted on 15 December 1999, Spain reported stockpiled anti-personnel mines under its ownership or possession or under its jurisdiction or control. 

In its transparency report submitted on 15 April 2001, Spain reported that it had completed the destruction of all stockpiled anti-personnel mines.

In total, Spain reported having destroyed 849,365 mines.

Spain reported that there were no mined areas under its jurisdiction or control.

Annually and no later than 30 April, each State Party is to update information covering the previous calendar year. The latest Article 7 reports for this State Party can be found on this page.

Each State Party is to take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures, including the imposition of penal sanctions, to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control.

Spain has reported having established national implementation measures or that it considers existing legislation to be sufficient. 

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