2022 Intersessional Meetings

The 2022 Intersessional Meetings took place from 20-22 June 2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) headquarters in Geneva with participation of more than 300 delegates representing 80 States and 38 international and non-governmental organisations.

Programme of the 2022 Intersessional Meetings

Programme en français Programa en castellano 

Программа на русском языке برنامج

Programme-side events at-a-glance

10:00 – 10:15

1. Opening of the Intersessional Meetings

H.E. Ambassador Alvaro Enrique Ayala Melendez, Chargé d'Affaires, Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations in Geneva, President of the Twentieth Meeting of the States Parties (20MSP) and H.E. Stefano Toscano, Director of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), will deliver opening remarks.


10:15 – 11:00

2. Preliminary Observations of the Convention’s Committees*

In accordance with their respective mandates, the thematic Committees will present their preliminary observations on the implementation of the Convention and the Oslo Action Plan (OAP) based on the information submitted by the States Parties. The Committees will also provide information on their activities and efforts in the lead up to the 20MSP.


11:00 – 13:00

3. Matters related to the mandate of the Committee on Victim Assistance

During this agenda item, the Committee will present its activities since the Nineteenth Meeting of the States Parties (19MSP) and reflections on the implementation by States Parties of their victim assistance commitments under the Oslo Action Plan (Actions 33 to 41). The Committee will invite States Parties implementing victim assistance commitments to offer updates on their efforts and challenges faced in the implementation of their commitments under the Oslo Action Plan.


13:00 – 15:00  Lunch Break


15:00 – 18:00

4. Matters related to the mandate of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

During this agenda item, the Committee will present its activities since the 19MSP and reflections on the implementation by States Parties of Oslo Action Plan actions related to survey and clearance of mined areas and mine risk education and reduction (Actions 18 to 32).

In line with the decisions of the 19MSP, the Committee will also provide information on is efforts to continue strengthening the Article 5 extension request process and the adherence to the relevant actions of the Oslo Action Plan, including by drawing on input from all relevant stakeholders. Following the presentation of the Committee’s activities, the floor will be granted to delegations as follows:

  • States Parties that have indicated that they have or will be required to submit requests for extension of their Article 5 deadlines for consideration by the 20MSP (Argentina, Ecuador, Eritrea, Guinea Bissau, Serbia, Sudan, Thailand, Yemen) will be able to offer informal presentations of their requests;
  • States Parties that have been requested to submit updated work plans in accordance with decisions on their requests for extension will be able to provide an overview of their updated work plans (Cambodia, Chad, Croatia, Ethiopia, Niger and South Sudan); 
  • Other States Parties implementing Article 5 that wish to present on their progress in meetings their deadlines;
  • States Parties and organisations wishing to engage with the Committee’s preliminary observations;
  • States Parties and organisations wishing to provide input on matters related to the Article 5 extension request process

*Committee on Article 5 Implementation (Belgium (Chair), Sri Lanka, France, and Iraq).
Committee on Victim Assistance (Algeria (Chair), Ecuador, Italy, and Uganda).
Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance (Japan (Chair), Sudan, Netherlands, and Thailand).
Committee on Cooperative Compliance (Chile, Colombia (Chair), Spain, Switzerland, Turkey).

10:00 - 11:00

4. Matters related to the mandate of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation (continued)


11:00 – 13:00

5. Thematic Panel and Discussion: Making Every Effort Count: Towards a Successful 2025

As States Parties near the 2025 aspirational deadline set at the Third Review Conference to complete the Convention’s time-bound obligations, to the fullest extent possible, the Committee on Article 5 Implementation and the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance will hold a discussion on the concept of “All Reasonable Effort” (ARE), developed within the IMAS framework and it application within the framework of the Convention, and how mine-affected States Parties can best ensure that key elements are in place to support the effective and efficient implementation of Article 5.

Concept Note | Reflections and understandings on the implementation and completion of Article 5 mine clearance obligations (17MSP) All Reasonable Effort: Technical Note 

The Panel will also explore the importance of Cooperation and Assistance towards meeting the States Parties’ common objectives, including intensifying dialogue amongst stakeholders, coordinating cooperation and assistance efforts, and sharing lessons learnt. Likewise, the panel will include a discussion on the importance of integrating a gender perspective and taking the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities into account in the implementation of clearance and cooperation and assistance obligations.

States Parties will be invited to share information on the successes and challenges encountered in the application of “all reasonable effort” to implement relevant actions of the Oslo Action Plan. States Parties will also be invited to engage in discussions on how best to coordinate cooperation and assistance efforts to ensure intensified implementation towards the Fifth Review Conference in 2024.


13:00 – 15:00  Lunch Break


15:00 – 17:00

6. Thematic Panel and Discussion: Fostering Cooperation for Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is a key component of victim assistance. While some States Parties have been successful in ensuring the delivery of rehabilitation services, other States Parties continue to face considerable challenges in delivering rehabilitation services and ensuring their sustainability. In this regard, the Committee on Victim Assistance and the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance will host a panel aimed at exploring lessons learned and challenges in the delivery of rehabilitation services and cooperation and assistance opportunities in support of these efforts.

The panel will also explore the importance of removing physical, social, cultural, political, attitudinal and communication barriers to access appropriate, affordable, and accessible services to mine victims; and the use of an approach that is inclusive of gender, age and disability and takes diverse needs into account in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all programmes.

States Parties will be invited to share information on best practices in delivering rehabilitation services, in integrating rehabilitation into health systems and in addressing shortages of resources for rehabilitation. States Parties will be also invited to offer information on cooperation and assistance in place for the provision of rehabilitation services, including international, regional and south-south cooperation.

The panel will provide an opportunity to discuss accessibility, affordability and quality of assistive devices in support of mine survivors and persons with disabilities in affected communities. States Parties and relevant international organisations are encouraged to participate in the discussion.


17:00 – 18:00

7. Matters related to the mandate of the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance

During this agenda item, the Committee will present its activities since the 19MSP and reflections on the implementation by States Parties of the cooperation and assistance commitments under the Oslo Action Plan (Actions 42 to 47).

The Committee will invite States Parties to offer updates on their efforts and challenges on matters related to Cooperation and Assistance.

10:00 - 11:00

7. Matters related to the mandate of the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance (Continued)


11:00 – 13:00

8. Matters related to the mandate on the Committee on Cooperative Compliance

During this agenda item, the Committee will present its activities since the 19MSP and reflections on the implementation by States Parties of the compliance commitments under the Oslo Action Plan (Actions 42 to 47).

The Committee will invite States Parties with alleged or known non-compliance with the general obligations under Article 1 to provide update on their efforts to address these matters. The Committee will also invite States Parties with outstanding Article 9 commitments to take the floor to offer an update on implementation of Action 50 of the OAP.

Other States Parties and organisations wishing to engage with the Committee’s preliminary observations will be invited to take the floor.


13:00 – 15:00  Lunch Break


15:00 – 16:00

9. Matters related to the mandate of the President
a. Universalisation

During this agenda item, the President will present her activities on universalization. The President will then invite States not party participating in the meeting to take the floor, if interested. The President will then give the floor to interested delegations and organisations to offer updates on any other matter concerning universalisation in accordance with the Oslo Action Plan (Actions 11 and 12).

b. Stockpile destruction and retention of anti-personnel mines

During this agenda item, the President will present its activities on matters related to stockpile destruction under Article 4 and on matters related to anti-personnel mines retained for training and other permitted purposes under Article 3. Following the presentation by the President, the floor will be granted to delegations as follows:

a. States Parties that have missed their Article 4 deadlines (Greece and Ukraine) will be invited to offer updated information on the implementation of their stockpile destruction commitments in accordance with the Oslo Action Plan (Actions 13 to 15);

b. States Parties that have discovered previously unknown stockpiled mines will be invited to take the floor;

c. States Parties that have retained anti-personnel mines for training and other permitted purposes will be invited to provide information on the reasons for retaining such anti-personnel mines under Article 3 and plans for the use of these mines and efforts to explore alternatives in accordance with the Oslo Action Plan (Actions 16 and 17).

d. Other States Parties and organisations wishing to engage with the Committee’s preliminary observations will be invited to take the floor.


16:00 – 17:00

10. Preparations for the Twentieth Meeting of the States Parties
  • a. Presentation of a draft programme of work for the 20MSP (President)
  • b. Update on preparations for the 20MSP (20MSP Secretary-General Designate)
  • c. Presentation on 20MSP financial and organisational matters (UNODA)
  • d. Update on the Sponsorship Programme (Sponsorship Programme Coordinator)
  • e. Proposed dates for the Convention’s 2023 meetings (President)
  • f. Update on efforts to propose a set of office holders to be elected at the 20MSP (President)
  • g. Discussion (interested delegations)


17:00 – 17:20

11. Implementation Support Unit
  • a. Update on the activities and finances of the ISU (ISU Director)
  • b. Update on the Pledging conference (President)
  • c. Discussion (interested delegations)


17:20 – 17:50

12. Status of assessed contributions

During this agenda item, the President will present an update on efforts to reach an agreement on matters related to financial predictability and sustainability of United Nations assessed contributions in line with the request of the Nineteenth Meeting of the States Parties for the President of the 20MSP “to continue to consult with a view of submitting a proposal for adoption at the Twentieth Meeting of the States Parties.”


17:50 – 18:00

13. Closing of the 2022 Intersessional Meetings

H.E. Ambassador Alvaro Enrique Ayala Melendez, Chargé d'Affaires, Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations in Geneva, President of the Twentieth Meeting of the States Parties (20MSP).

Background Documents Side Events